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How It All Started




I dedicate this web site to the late Mr. Jim Henson, without him, this site would never have come into existence.




How It All started

1986 - the year where this fantastic movie was shown on the big screen. At that time, I was about 11 years old and I vaguely knew that was such a thing called a cinema. I had never seen one then, much less step into it. (Yes, don't be surprise, I'm a very sheltered kid.)

Anyway, I got to watch it on TV in 1989. I loved it so much but there was no VCR in my family at that time - another deprivation, but then I don't think I know what's a VCR anyway.

A few years later, a re-run of the movie was shown on television. There is still no VCR - how frustrating life can be when you aren't well to do. (Sign!) Years passed and gradually I forgot about the movie although I kept a newspaper clipping of it.

Fast forward to September 27, 1999
I'm 24 and praise the lord, I have a computer and an internet account at home, which I shared with my sister who uses it for her schoolwork. I had a job and my financial status was of course greatly improved.

I was on a mailing list discussing about books and authors and one fine day, someone (I could kiss her) forwarded a chain letter to the list. The subject is 'Movie Lines' whereby you add on your favourite movie quote and pass it on.

I was interested and read through everything. What should I come across but the little worm's 'Allo' quote from Labyrinth. From that moment on, I started to surf the net for Laby sites. It was quite frightening since it became a sort of mini-obession.

Long history, I know but either bear with me a little longer or check out my other pages.

At first, it was only surfing the internet and saving all the delicious graphics. Then it was downloading the wavs and midis and mp3 tracks as well as the fanfics. After that, I joined the Fanfic List, followed shortly by the Discussion List.

From the lists, I made friends who inspired me to write my own fanfics and build my own web site. I have 2 important people to thank for my web site and if you interested to know more, read my acknowledgements below.

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For the sudden obssession of creating this Laby web site, I thank Essy (Clare Lovell) who generously offered to host a web site for me when I first joined the Discussion List and knew zilch about web designing then.
She was very kind to offer but I was thinking, if she did it for me, it would not be my baby entirely. So I decided to take up a course on Web Page Development and here I am. Thanks, Essy, for getting me started.

For my Fanfic, I give my thanks to Alexa Close. I came across her fanfic library one day and her words "I can't stand people who never try out new things" gave me the determination to prove to myself that I can also write fanfics. For this, I'm grateful to her.

All through my life, I have always been quite a reserved person and my self-esteem is very low, somewhere near zero. However, my love for Labyrinth led me to take up web designing and fanfic writing. This has really boosted my confidence. My dream (one of many) has finally turned into a reality and I can't tell you how proud I feel over this achievement. *g*

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